Channel: Lightwork-Lightplay – Messages from Our NEW Universe
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Practice Rainbow Mastery & Final Key of Harmony-Sophia’s Message


Saleena:  Tonight things are finally set up so I can post something new. I received this message from Sophia while I was staying at a beautiful place called Laulima in the state of Tennessee. 


According to Randy, the man who was drawn to this land 30 years ago and is now the "Gardner-Caretaker", in Hawaiian it means "many unseen hands working together."


I was sitting in the heart of what remains physically of a 300+ year old Red Oak. I saw etherically that the tree is still there functioning as a "Relay Station." with many connections flowing in and out there. It was easy to "hear" the other dimensions there.


I feel it is significant that Sophia shared her message within this energy for that is what it takes for us to bring about the changes we still desire for our new freshly forming reality.


Since Oct, Marimar & I have been in the process of moving from place to place (between Tennessee and New Jersey) during this amazing time, I have missed some of the official excitement of the great stargate openings and passages, as far as participating in my usual way.


What I do notice is that my body is beginning to feel much more grounded. The intense waves of evergy are easing for a moment and I seem to be unreasonably happy every day. I thank each and everyone of you who has participated in lightwork, ceremony and intentions to bring us ALL safely and powerfully through. 


I received this today in a message from a friend who sends it our from Eilieen Caddy, one of the Founders of Findhorn: 

"Let there be unity in diversity.  See the many paths all leading to the center, to Me, each one different, and yet each one leading in the same direction.  The closer they come to the center, the greater the unity, until all become one in Me and there is no longer diversity but complete unity…"  

"…It is good to see a wider picture of what it taking place but it is also very important to realize that it all starts within you.  Realize that what is taking place within the individual goes out into the world and is reflected in the world situation.  That is why peace of heart and mind is so essential within you, and why harmony, understanding and deep love should flow between you and all others."


This leads beautifully into what Sophia shares…


We are approaching another grand exit… leaving 2011 and what a ride it has been! Soon the long awaited 2012 will be dawning.! Sophia asked that this be shared as the year goes out and the new one comes in… so it can be done during the transition.


So I will turn it over to Sophia now…. much love to each of you… Aloha 



Message from Sophia

Saleena: Aloha Sophia, I'm open to you and so very happy to know you are here.


Sophia: My Beloved Saleena, Migdala, I greet you from Our New Universe. We are happy you are allowing the openness and healing of this special beautiful space of Laulima.


 We have all been very attentive as the Earth is shifting in such drastic proportions right now. The oldest falling away minute by minute by minute by minute. So many of us have concentrated our focus and energies to facilitate this transition. This is a transition of energy — matter and minds. It is saturating all reality of those open to The Shift. Completions of polarized cycles are nearly completed.


 We have a request of you today.

We would like many to participate;

whoever feels

a resonant call to this request.


What we ask is that more of you

embrace your wholeness.

Another level of the

Final Key of Harmony.


Another call for many more to release judgment of all that they perceive as darkness, evil, undesirable and open to release this stuck energy to resolve it to completion.


We ask that anyone who hasn't done the Final Key of Harmony Process to please review it and do this if your heart resonates.


 If you have done it, please bring yourself present with your Rainbow Master and participate by imagining all you desire, as vividly as possible, in your next chosen reality.


Open to all your Higher Aspects to allow them; invite them to give you more images of what is desired. Find as clearly as possible these visions and feelings then I give you a prayer. This is a prayer from the Divine Mother Goddess as she opens herself to partner fully with the Divine Masculine to become ONE.


This is a Vibrational Prayer; an invitation to seal together that which has perceived itself as separate, as different, as apart from the ONE. It is the blending and a melding call. I give it to you now:


Ah ooh lah tah nah EL

Oh sha we ahr tu shuahel

Ah wah nue ah wah nue

Ejah (ewah) – Adam (ahdahm) – AH – Adam – Ejah.


In the Heart may Separation be

forged (into Union) by

the Alchemy of Love.


In the Belly may hunger be

Fulfilled with Nourishment.


In the Mind may thoughts be

Unified with the Glory of Oneness.


May Uniqueness color the

Grand Tapestry of Creation and

All Our Experiences be

Honored and Accepted.


May all who have been Outcast

be gathered back into the

Heart of Oneness.


May ALL who have

Cast out and Separated themselves

from the "Other" be

Awakened to the Unity of Life.


May the Misty Waters of Creation

Nourish ALL Life with Newness.


May the Fire of the Greater Suns 

Light ALL Intelligence with Newness.


Open Your Hearts and Minds as the

New Rainbow Masters You Are.


Now reach out to the One Benevolent Source and declare you desire to Return Home; not in location, in Energy and Spirit.


Open to draw the Light of Home into every fiber of your being. Let it enter you just as you are, where you are, so that the Brighter Light of Home shall Enlighten All Life in All Creation.


As it moves into you send some to each being you dearly love, then send some to any being you have been upset with or cut yourself off from; judged as unacceptable in your chosen set of beliefs or position in reality. Send it to the darkest one.


This Light you receive now is different from the Polarized Light so many have worked with and embraced. This Light is from One Source Benevolent CreatorAll There Is and is the Fullness of Spectral Light — Sound and Vibration.


When you feel complete I will send you a Rainbow; My Love, Venusian Liquid Love to seal the process.


I love each of you dearly no matter who you are or what story you are playing out; I love you unconditionally.


We are complete now;

Ah do ne tu nigh

Lah tu EL ah EL.


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