New Creation3 – What Will We Create in It?
2013 Energy Report
Written on 2013-10-18 Full Moon Eclipse
by Saleena Ki
Creating our Reality
New Human Abilities
2013 has been wonderful and intense with all the polarization happening. It depends on where you focus as to what you will see happening; chaos, destruction and breakdown or restructuring, renewal and breakthroughs!
Things that are out of balance are getting more and more intense from the inside out; from our old lack or fear-filled ways of operating in our lives to the way we are living and treating each other and our planet. Whatever beliefs we carry inside seem to be amplifying and more easy to see and feel. Depending on your focus, it is getting more and more intense to the point of unbearable or more and more lovely to the point of bliss and wonder-filled days. As MaRi Magdalene once shared how interesting that one person can be living in "hell" inches away from someone living in bliss.
New Tools & Skills
Luckily we have more tools and skill now than ever to deal with them as they arise, and they will, and it is easier than ever to release them and make room for a new experience.
Vibrakeys are one my unique offerings; they are artistic, geometric, omni-dimensional, vibrational tools that act as bridges, portals, pathways with many activations to support your journey. Choose them by attraction. Trust your own knowings.
If anyone needs more support, insight or fun adventure book a session with us. We love to adventure with you to discover more about yourself!
New human abilities are turning on inside of us like lights. We are waking up knowing more, sensing further and deeper and seeing more than ever, at least in most of our lives. New ideas and ways of dealing with the challenges of the densities and polarities we have been living in are popping in like popcorn popping on a hot grill!
Our experience of polarity and separation is coming to a close, at least here on Earth. As a result of this time in our evolution, a greater polarization than ever is taking place; the light is more determined to get lighter and the dark is getting more determined to get darker. Seems it is time to choose what path you are on. From a polarized perspective you can choose a dark-war-control path or you can choose a light-peace-cooperation path. Yet there is another potential path called Harmony.
Final Key is Harmony
It may be a challenge for you to embrace the acceptance of ALL these polarized expressions, yet it is a very evolutionary step. It would include the cessation of war energy: the struggle and fighting each other in any form. It would also include letting go of FIGHTING for peace or any other "good" cause. A letting go of choosing SIDES, either BAD or GOOD. It is a new come from; a the decision to let go of taking polarized sides. This is an internal posture, a moving to center It doesn't mean that we sit back and let one side or the other take over. We simply cease our judgments of it all, take our attentions off what we don't want. and fill our own lives with Harmony. This is allowing ourselves to focus on reality filled with what we want. Focusing on creativity and co-creation of a reality we desire to live in. What we focus on expands and manifest faster now than ever before!
I was introduced to this evolutionary option of Harmony a few years back, and it still feels useful. It was shared as a sequel to the new codes being shared in VK73 Seeding New Potential The final code in the sequence was given by our benevolent Source Creator into a Vibrakey called VK75 The Final Key of Harmony (For the record I am interested in graduating from polarity to UNITY. I believe that Peace is an important balancing step, a polarized step at that, in moving us into the Final Key of Harmony.) There is a powerful process shared using this Vibrakey design to take yourself to this new level of Mastery:
Purchase VK75 for the full process and more at
Move Massive Energy
Another powerful process using the VK75 design was shared by our Arcturian friends called Move Massive Energy. They explained that when we hold judgment about anything, it gets stuck. It is ALL energy and energy naturally wants to move. They said that we have so much stuck energy (via judgment) inside of us and expressed out into our lives on Earth that it was critical to let some of the energy move. You can learn more how to do this and download a free digital version of the design for your personal use Here:
New Systems & Structures
New systems and structures coming online here on Earth at all levels from our brains and bodies to our Planet and throughout our Creation. The old order of things is breaking down and humans are waking up to what has been happening and crying out for change. For a more reasonable, loving, caring, green, sustainable life here on Earth. You certainly don't read about it much in the mainstream media, yet it is beginning to show up everywhere.
Our Sun has bathed and blasted us with a huge share of new energies in the form of solar flares and solar winds. Our Sun-Sol is being restructured and reprogrammed from the Great Central Suns and soon to be rebooted. Reality as we have known it is shifting daily and will continue.
Transparency – Uncovering Every Secret
I have been an advocate for transparency for a very long time and I am thrilled as I watch the "covers" being pulled off everything that has operated in secrecy that, by the way, hasn't been designed for our thrival, health and well being. Brave beings are stepping forward everywhere telling their stories about things that have been here-to-fore held in secrecy. They are becoming our new heroes! It will only increase until there are no more secrets… Disclosure about many truths that have been hidden from us in plain sight are soon to be revealed.
New Technologies, Discoveries & Ideas
More and more new technologies are being announced and released. Vast numbers of really powerful leading edge techniques and technologies for healing and ascension are being shared now and they are amazing! Many are sharing them for free. It is getting easier and easier to heal ourselves from our physical & emotional issues we have previously suffered with. Here on Earth we will soon have affordable devices to harness free or sustainable energy for our homes and our transportations. Many businesses are leading the way with sustainable energy. I have heard from several of my Guides that more and more new inventions and discoveries, or are they rediscoveries?, will be pouring forth. Nuclear energy will become obsolete as more and more of the public see through the power structures that are promoting it for their own gain and we take responsibility to shut them down. We are seeing how toxic & dangerous Nuclear Power really is. Did you know that cold fusion was always a safer more sustainable option? It is finally beginning to be brought forth.
Amazing beings are sharing their ideas now on YouTube and TedTalks. Humanity is really astounding me right now. One person can come up with an idea now, and with the internet, share it and spread it everywhere very quickly. We can make a difference easier now. Creatives are sharing their talents in so many creative and beautiful ways now… I just discovered The Piano Guys. What an amazing co-creative way they present their love of music and nature. I love this one sharing a new vision of a new male archetype of men co-creating together with so much fun: One Direction – What Makes You Beautiful
More and more Lighworkers are joining together and co-creating new evolutionary structures throughout Creation with benevolent higher dimensional Beings. They are playing together to change our experience of our reality toward a more loving and responsible society both by responding to crisis and by sharing their ideas of how to create a more creative and sustainable life on Earth together.
New Creation3 – What Will We Create in It?
To me the most exciting thing happening during 2013 is a series of Creational Events I have been personally participating in.
I would like to share with you this new energy flowing throughout our Creation now. I call it Creation3 energy.
Here is my story of how it came about and what I perceive it is:
Metatron & the Archangel's
New Community Network
Here is a summary as I saw and witnessed it happening: It all began with Metatron and the Angelics getting together and co-creating a new kind of community network for our Creation. This is a good description of it from a message through Saryon called: Metatron’s Embrace
"The Metatronic Light carries with it many portals of connection into the higher vibrations that are being seeded through you as channels. We see each of you like portals opening to receive the Metatronic Light. There are many colors and hues that are fanning out across your plane, all sourced by the Archangelic Realms. We have heard your requests for more tools, more light technologies, more ways of activating your lightbodies. These are coming forth from the Angelic Realms.
You do not know how vast you are. As a Lightworker Community there is a tremendous wealth already present on the physical plane: a wealth of knowledge, a wealth of access to the living light technologies that are being employed for restoring your multidimensional DNA.
My embrace at this time is sourcing the linking together of the many resources that you have honed: resources in consciousness. We are forming the lightworkers into one collective. This is our goal. The combining of your gifts will form light technologies that are made of living human energy. The portals of activation being sent forth are portals that restore the connectedness between multidimensional groups of human servers who share similar refinements and abilities. These portals of connection allow your presence and the presence of your knowledge and abilities to be in many places at once, to work in tandem and assist each other in the clearing work as you continue to serve those who cross your path.
You are use to working as a collective in this way, and at this time there is a need to activate the memory of this. And yet, this is a very different kind of collective that is awakening within you now. You hail from many different parts of the galaxy, some even from other galaxies. You are a diverse mix. We are seeding now the potential of very new forms of light technology through the new collective that is awakening.
You will have new energy to experiment with and play with as your intelligence begins to pool together collectively through these portals of connection. There is a very great freedom in allowing these pools of consciousness to play with and cocreate with you. There are many forms of light expression: creative expression that can activate people in new and inspiring ways. You are going to begin to discover things about yourself that you did not know, even if you thought you knew yourself and your abilities very well.
There are many portals of galactic memory being activated. Some of these portals are opening doorways for groups of people who hail from the same galactic source to remember together and reconnect with the knowledge of other worlds: knowledge that could not be fully realized by any one individual. As lightworkers you hail from worlds that discovered their true power and potential as a collective resource to each other.
We wish to draw attention to a certain form of bridging that is taking place within the lightworker collective"
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New Vibrakey Co-Creation
VK115 Metatron's 7 Gates of Creation
New 7 Fold Creational Structure
Saleena: During June-July our Omni-Dimensional teams worked with Metatron and the Angelics to co-created a new Vibrakey VK115 representing the new structure. I have noticed that there is a new kind of geometry permeating the structure of creation. It is a 7 fold structure. I recently even saw a 7 petaled kind of Flower of Life! I tried to draw it… very interesting. That will be forth coming in another new Vibrakey. Look for it… it is there in space all around us.
These are some of the qualities and activations offered through this new VK115 design and its information:
Metatron's 7 Gates of Creation
Archangelic's New Network
Metatron's Embrace
Light Workers Community Creation Network-CCN
New Crystalline Metatronic-Angelic Network Structure
Embedded into the Fabric of Creation
New Sourcing for Creators & Servers
Access new Community Network of Living Light
Metatronic Full Spectrum Living Light
Activate Omni-dimensional DNA
Re-Activate Interconnectedness
New Collectives Co-Create
Collective Pools of Consciousness
ONE Galactic Community
Angelic Starseeds Support
Reconnection to Galactic Memory
Reunion with Resonant Galactic Groups
Galactic Ascension
Bridge to Angelic Realms
Many Angelic Gifts of Love & Light
It has yet to be published and you can see it here in Metaron's Portal:
You can special order a print of VK115 directly by emailing me.
DATA Redistribution
In July-August, we participated with Metatron with something we call DATA Redistribution and a Creational Reset. We experienced much of the old information-codes throughout creation as they/we were rearranged at ALL levels. It seemed to be preparing us for something…
Creator1 Creator2 Creator3
The Making of a New Creation
On the 8-8 Sirian Lion’s Gate we sensed a new kind of energy moving outside of our Creation Bubble. We participated in opening a portal through our Creational membrane. Next our Source Creator, which I will call Creator1, invites Creator2 to move in. Ah, a new relationship! We see the opening in the membrane of Creation1 where Creator2 and all of Creator2 Creation flows into Creation1. They move in! We watched them merge and become a whole new kind of Source Creator being I will call Creator3.
A new kind of Creational Mind was formed. With their merging we watched as the whole of Creation1 began to reset itself. From the Creational Library became infused with new potential to the Akashic Records being purged as we saw they had been compromised. This new energy began to flow throughout the new Creation3.
Using New Creation3 Energy
With all the new energies, we have new abilities coming online and as Creative Creators; omni-dimensional Light Beings, we can draw it to us, run it through us. It is a most amazing sensational energy. It doesn’t clear or clean in the old sense of it. What we perceive happens is that when we focus on it, draw it to us, enter it or let it enter us… we are moved to a new frequency, a new kind of creational space/time structure where the old Creation1 manifestations simply don’t exist anymore. I have never experienced any new energy that is so effective and fast in changing things in my reality.
You can run it through whole situations, through your body-mind, send it anywhere your imagination wants to… Whatever your soul wants to use it for. The potential within Creation3 is a mystery. We are here to discover what we can create within it.
We have spent lots of time anchoring it into our bodies and here into our Earth plane. This all happened since the beginning of 2013. It has all changed my world significantly.
We were innately designed this way
in the truth of who we really are.
It's FREE, it's POWERFULLY Transformative
it's yours to utilize with
whatever you are focused on creating in any moment.
How do you want your reality to look?
How do you want your life to be?
Spend time imagining and deeply feeling this while reaching out to this new Creation3 energy and drawing it in to flow into what you see and feel.
Much Love and Creation3 energy flowing to you ALL,
Saleena Kí