Cosmic Butterfly Central Sun – Soul Portrait
Artist Saleena Ki
with Weavings of Notes and Art from Saleena Ki throughout
For those that follow the Mayan Calendar
this is the year we are in the
Universal Underworld
from March 9th to October 28th,
the ninth and last underworld.
Carlos Barrios, who was trained as an Ajq'ij in the Maya tradition, has this to share in regards to 2012:
"Our planet can be renewed or ravaged. Now is the time to awaken and take action…The prophesized changes are going to happen, but our attitude and actions determine how harsh or mild they are.""This is a crucially important moment for humanity and for earth. Each person is important. If you have incarnated into this era, you have spiritual work to do balancing the planet..The greatest wisdom is in simplicity. Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. It's not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge is free. It's encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great teachers have said that from the beginning."
There are many arguments about the
exact timing of this major event,
some say 21.12.2012,
but what those who are concerned
with the outer dates may have not realised
is that it’s about consciousness
not linear time and linear time
only exists in the third dimension.
Many of us do not vibrate to the
limited consciousness of time and space anymore
and in fact have not for years.
To me the Mayan Calendar
finished in November 2009
…and we had the Thirteeth Gate that brought in the new energies, but this was on the seventh dimension and is now integrating into the denser realms of Light and…
2011 is all about the final integration.
You have already made the shift,
now it’s about Being it.
We start the year with no retrograde planets and a big push forward from all the inner work and unification that has got you to this state of freedom.
In the 4 year you will be
setting up your foundations for the
New Earth more consciously,
through the doorway of your heart.
IN VIRGO 5.27 Degrees
NZ 3-04pm AUST EST 1.04pm GMT 3.04pm
The New Moon is always the time to go within, to the inner planes and parts of us that are hidden. It is also the seed of the new beginning and when the Sun and the Moon are One. The Moon and Sun are one at a New Moon so it is a powerful time of union on all levels and with the inner male and female also.
In Virgo we get the opportunity to go within to work on our health on all levels and it is a good time to make steps towards doing some positive things for your body and well being.
Virgo is also of service and where we serve our self and others lovingly and from the purity of our heart.
In the esoteric sense it is also the Christ energy so with the Sun and Moon both in Virgo you can access your divine self, the selfless being who has no agenda but pure Being.
Much can be achieved on this New Moon in your journey to unity, selfless service, surrender and peace within and for all creation.
Open to your Celestial Home
and allow yourself to be open to
your Hearts hidden depths and the
Source where your essence
gains its sustenance.
Know that you are not alone
but one with all creation,
allow yourself to flow freely through
all your filaments of Light and for the
Light of your true self to radiate through your being.
This is also a time to do any deep inner healing and to love unconditionally yourself and all beings. Gaining compassion and a sense of selflessness in loving service to humanity by being the divine aspect you are from within.
In order to really serve humanity
and have compassion for others
we need to be from our divine self
and see it in all humanity,
as a living Christ seeing yourself and
others as already healed and divine.
With the energies of the Sun and Moon in Virgo the Earth Goddess and nurturer, time of new seeds planted or harvest depending on what hemisphere you live. The time of bounty and abundance of the gifts our mother gives, with gratitude in our hearts we open the doorway to the New Earth.
There have been many
light workers and light beings
working to anchor the New Earth
for many years now, and
it is here for all of us,
but the
doorway is through the Heart
and in Love and Peace.
Now is the time for all humanity
awaken to the reality of the
New Earth
and to acknowledge that
we create it right now.
See yourself there in the New Earth
and how you live and function.
It may seem that it’s in your future
but in the stillness,
in no time where all is manifest,
it is now.
You choose it with each moment;
how you think, feel, act.
If it’s in love and service,
compassion and allowing
then you are in the New Earth.
If you still have trouble being
in the loving essence of your true self
then ask the
Goddess, the Devi, the Mother
to help you now to feel the
love in your heart,
and accept yourself in all your
prisms, dimensions and worlds as you are,
with unconditional love and acceptance.
VK15 Love's Power – True Mission
Artist Saleena Ki
Saleena Note: Assistance from the Divine Feminine, the Divine Mothers to feel love in a new way is one of the things that you can ask your Higher Self to "qualify into the light" when you make Medicines of Light. It is on my list and it comes up regularly. You can also ask that your "Heart Wall" be removed safely…
Soluntra: As you ask to feel the love in your heart
allow it to grow and shine.
Please read about the New Earth
Saleena Note: Visit our Theme Page:
Soluntra: At this time the energies of the Sun and Moon are utilized and infused in love vibrations from the Greater Central Sun to assist the doorway opening, this is the next step in becoming co-creators consciously creating the New Earth.
How do you see the New Earth?
VK28 Safe Haven – New Earth Energies in Your Own Home – EMP Protection & More
Artist Saleena Ki
The energies of the New Earth;
being higher dimensional
naturally express
harmony, beauty, radiant and light.
Whether you are able to get to a vortex or portal for the day or in your sacred space you may wish to come on a…
that assists us to awaken
to the New Earth.
Saleena Note: Even if the New Moon day is past, take the Journey for FUN… About the New Earth, this is exactly what my guides have all said;
Act as if the New Paradise Earth
Think it, live it, smell her, know her,
love her and Wake up every day
living on Paradise Earth NOW!
On New Moon day, Colin and I met on a Skype Chat for a check-in… it seemed like typical start and I shared some of what I been working with; the energy and information a beautiful Crystal Dragon, called Aganmar, had given me, on June 25th, to share with all. We have also been working with the Golden Dolphin and we found it is an aspect of our Higher Selves associated with the Greatest Central Sun, the one closest to Source.
We had a fabulous New MOON Adventure that lasted 4 hours! We journeyed to the Greater Central Sun with Aganmar and we experienced the Center of Creation. Astonishing place of movement & stillness & expansion. So blissful! We brought these new energies and codes back to the Temple of Anuenue Rainbow to offer them to each of our Overseeing Elementals who work with Earth's Hydrological System so they can help bring them into the Earth plane now.
Everything was more tangible to my human self than ever before, including merging with Aganmar and feeling myself ambling along inside a dragon's body! At the end of the journey, we witnessed the current old Mother Earth and the NUE Paradise Earth. Just as Soluntra shared, so many of us have been working for years to bring the New Paradise Earth and Higher Dimensional Reality online.
What I saw looked like the NUE (New Universal Energies) Paradise Earth, who I believe is a higher dimensional aspect of Mother Earth, swallow the old Mother Earth's body whole. She took her in and integrated her. She is no more, except in Paradise Earth's enrichened experience. Sound familiar? It is the same process we are being offered at this time. See VK75 Final Key of Harmony & Move Massive Energy.
It wasn't a birth. It wasn't a rebirth.
Paradise Earth was Real-ized!
She was REIFIED;
"that which is a concept or idea is made real."
I will share some of what we experienced. I am co-creating a new Vibrakey with Agnamar and the Azez; Lovely Loving Fun Crystal Beings who live in our Earth and whose mission is to reconnect us and prepare us to receive more and more of the Nameless Light of the Universe which flows through their Great Central Sun, Kolob.
Aganmar shares a way for humanity to reset their DNA to the highest potential intended in the beginning. He shared with me all about Dragons and why they were "demonized" and why it is important for us to open to their existence once again. He shared about the Cosmic Fire that is flowing through now from Galactic Center that will burn up all internal that is not aligned with Love. If there is any truth to the apocalyptic prophecy that the "Earth" will be "cleansed with fire" in the "last days", this is most likely the true meaning of it.
The full story will be available with the release of the new Vibrakey VK90 Dragon Stargate – DNA Reset – Great Central Sun Reconnection – Cosmic Fire, etc… The design for it was given to me during an all day conversation with Aganmar and there will be 115 Code Strings on a fan of "Dragon Wing Feathers" We were given a final encoded Sun Disc representing an amazing Ascension Story inscribed on it to complete the energies and dimensional place this new Vibrakey will bridge you to.
Ahua – Yellow Sun – Mayan Time Lord Soul Portrait
Artist Saleena Ki channeled this while staying in Palenque, Mexico
August 29th is MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 5 (centre, core purpose, acceptance) YELLOW (South – ripens, allows) LIGHT – AHAU (Sun, Enlightenment, unconditional love)
A star alignment is when the star or star constellation in question is aligned back into the earth plane in harmony with us.
The Ancients knew the importance of the
Star Alignments; as above, so below,
and star-mapped the Earth by
building conduits to anchor the energy
with pyramids, standing stones,
stone circles, temples and obliques
that held and aligned the particular stellar energies
with the Central Sun in the core of the Earth,
the Earth, and Heavens
as harmony and abundance reigned.
When we choose to go deeper into density and with the end of the last Golden Age and the Earth shifted then the star alignments also went out of synch. The stars have also moved since that time and so now with the return of the Golden Age, the star alignments are now happening again, anchoring that energy onto the earth plane and core of the Earth.
Labrum is sighted just before sunrise on the 20th September and is the brightest star; Delta Crateteris in the constellation of Crateris that is also called the Crater, or the Cup.
It has been mentioned in ancient legends of Apollo sending the Crow to get water and him being waylaid by eating figs instead, then catching the water snake Hydra and telling Apollo that the snake had waylaid him. Apollo banished the Crow; the constellation Corvus and the Cup on to the back of the watersnake Hydra. For Crows to forever be thirsty and the Cup remained empty not fulfilling its purpose…
until now when the Cup is
full of joy and radiant light
that Labrum sends us.
Right at the time when many on Earth
feel their cup is empty;
they have not seen the
real abundance
that comes from their hearts.
Vibrakey05 Abundance – Your True Nature
Artist Saleena Ki
Labrum is aligning now to assist humanity
to go beyond the illusion and fear
it has been so trapped in,
and that the world money crisis, wars,
looting etc has brought us
to the only solution to all our dilemmas:
Open our hearts and come from the
joy and peace from within
with love and acceptance.
Many have found this out, but as we see on the news and as we move around the planet when travelling; the majority of humans are still trapped in their fear and cannot see the light of their soul.
Now the tide is changing and
Labrum brings us a shift in consciousness
for those that have paved the way
to make this energy possible,
to now align with the earth plane.
When we connect to our heart
we feel the joy and love
that is our true abundance
and whatever we need comes to us.
On this day spend some time going into your heart and see if there are things you still hold onto that stop you being open to receive the joy and abundance that flows from within you. Allow your Cup to be full and be open to receive the love and abundance that is here for you.
If you feel you still hold a lot of fear or blocks to being in a state of joy and trusting your connection to the source within you for all your sustenance and what you need to be creative and express your divinity here right now, then click here for healing from within information.
And see extracts from my
Sept 1st is MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 8 (harmonize, empowerment, integrity, of the one heart) BLUE (West – energise, transforms) HEARTH – AKBAL (stillness, inner-self, dreamtime, serenity)
VK51 Temple of Anuenue – Hydrological Cycles – Rainbow God of The 5th Age
Connect with the Overseeing Elementals of the Hydrological Cycle
Get to know them and receive wisdom from them.
Artist Saleena Ki
The Elementals wish to be acknowledged
and for you to be able to
come into harmony with them.
So many Elementals have been displaced by humans; as the swamp, the valley or the coastline has been filled, or a hill cut in half, or trees chopped down, a whole forest even for a farm or a house or few houses.
The Elements are displaced and because their home is no longer there, attach themselves to the humans that are now living in their place.
They wish you no harm, and you can ask them what they need to be free and move into a dimension where they belong and/or feel at peace.
They will tell you and it will be something simple like creating a doorway, light, crystals, some etheric gift or object you can give them on the inner planes or whatever it is they tell you.
It will be simple and easy to see on the inner and once they have the doorway or the light, the roses, whatever it is they will leave and you will see them or sense them go.
There may be other Elementals who are in your body because of your negative thoughts or actions and they are trying to show you something about your physical problem or health.
Listen and again give them what they want on the inner until they are free. Also ask them for advice as to how to get better and how your body can be healed and whole.
See if you can be aware of them
in your environment or body
and just speak with them
like you would anyone,
then listen and trust what they reply.
You are doing this on the inner planes,
no different from the outer.
Sept 6th is MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 13 (unseen, unexpected change, transcend, presence) YELLOW (South – ripens, allows) RABBIT – LAMAT(doorway, harmony, beauty, expanded love)
IN PISCES 19.17 degrees
NZ 9.27pm AUST EST 7.27pm GMT 9.27am
The Full Moon is a time of completion and celebration, in Pisces the spirit and cosmic bliss are illuminated and grounded through the Sun in Virgo.
Be clear about your dreams
give them out to the Universe
if you feel in your heart
they are in alignment with your being
in divine will.
You are nurtured from
your true Cosmic origins
and can bask in the cosmic rays of love.
Time to be from your love, compassion
and giving nature as you
share your joy with others
and this beautiful planet.
This energy is able to be fully embodied
once you breathe through your
fears of being in a body and
know and be your true cosmic self
in a body on Earth.
It is a good time with the Sun in Virgo opposite to do any deep inner healing and to love unconditionally yourself and all beings.
This Full Moon is igniting the
that is the gel that connects your
RNA and DNA through all your being
and allows you to be the cosmic being you are.
Today a doorway is opening through your
cells and sub atomic particles to
awaken and ignite the liquid light plasma flow,
that tones your body and mind
into your heart beat and earth beat
in harmony with the cosmos.
To float in the cosmic ocean in omnipresence
and let go completely into the
void and stillness within and without,
that is all creation.
A deeper sense of self and your part in creation,
one with creation
will illuminate your consciousness
if you choose.
Sept 12th is MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 6 (balance, receptivity, organise) WHITE (North – refines, detached) JAGUAR – IX (shaman/magician, timelessness, divine will, integrity)
Saleena Note: You may enjoy an inner journey to Present your most joyful experience of Peace and Harmony into the Ongoing Cosmic Peace Summit. This is where we are gathering the energy and emotions of what this is all about to distribute throughout ALL Creation so we may co-create a new energy of Peace and Harmony HERE NOW.
Read More Here
Peace & Harmony Art
Sept 21st is MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 2 (polarize, co-operation, challenge of duality) BLUE (West – energise, transforms) HEARTH – AKBAL (stillness, inner-self, dreamtime, serenity)
The Inner Earth Sun has changed its frequency completely as we went into the Ninth Wave and Universal Underworld of the Mayan Calendar on March 9th 2011. Just as our outer Sun is in solar flare time and the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun illuminate within more fully as the Second Sun returns.
VK45 Sol Dancing Sun – Learn to Read the Living Libraries in the Sun
Artist Saleena Ki
The Inner Earth Sun,
which holds the light within the Earth
and assists us to
hold the light within ourselves,
has changed frequency and moved into
a more subtle vibration
that is
changing many things
on the Earth’s surface.
The influence of the Inner Earth Sun
within us and all life on the surface
has a big impact on what happens
in the Earth and the influence is felt
by the plants and creatures.
Just as the Second Sun influences the
tides and energy in our
DNA, chakras and kundalini,
the Inner Earth Sun influences the RNA
and light that feeds into the DNA
and through the nadis and subtle channels
in the central channel.
It gives life to all the dimensional realms
within the Earth and also the outer.
Without the Inner Earth Sun we would not be able to
connect fully into our inner self and inner being
as we now align and the
Earth and us become a Sun.
This energy is subtle and so has a powerful affect.
When you lie on the earth you get lighter,
regardless of the outer Sun’s rays
the Inner Sun’s rays affect our
subtle bodies to a large extend.
In 2006 with the Inner Earth Sun connection the Earthsun Body was able to come into being and the Soulight Chakra was gifted, a doorway of new paradigm being. Now the Inner Earth Sun calls to us once more to connect into its glow and awaken deeper the light flows through our energy field and being.
Today connect first and become your Earthsun Body and merge through your heart and the cross over point of the Galactic Centre. Then take your awareness back into the Inner Earth Sun and state your willingness to be open to the new light codes that are illuminating from her and simply stay with this energy for as long as you can.
Try doing this on the earth whether sitting or lying on her and allow yourself to flow into the earth and through her to her core and the light in the centre of the Earth, the centre of you, the centre of all creation.
Sept 22nd is MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 3 (rhythm, creativity, integration, sacred trinity) YELLOW (South – ripens, allows) LIZARD – KAN (seed, creation, flowering awareness)
NZ 9.04pm AUST EST 7.04pm GMT 9.04am
This is when the
Light and Dark are equal
in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres,
equal Light and Dark in the day.
The energies are unified,
Heaven and Earth,
Spirit and Matter merge.
This energy is a powerful
gateway for the transformation of humanity,
and the opening of the Solar Self.
Remembering the Sun
is not masculine or feminine
unified energy from Source,
the Moon reflects the Solar Rays
and illuminates us at night,
notice how Golden the Moon
is now days, and bright.
In the Mayan and many Sun cultures the Sun is greeted at the Equinox at sunrise as we open our hearts to our Solar Self, the Sun within us, as we honour the Divine Creator, Infinite Spirit and the interconnectedness of all. Where our peace within is merged through the Earth in harmony for all Beings, as the Heavens are in balance with us at this time.
This Equinox is important for the relationship
between the Suns, Moon and Earth
at this time of balance.
The Golden Solar Discs that keep a balance with the Suns through the Inner Earth Sun and outer Suns and Sun within us, kept the balance in the last golden cycle. They were in the outer world as humanity did not lust for gold then, but used it for their spiritual connection and aligning with the Suns. The last Golden Solar Disc to be used in the outer world was the one at the Temple of the Sun in Cusco, Peru until the Spaniards came in the 1500’s and it was hidden from them.
Now we are in the final throes of the old paradigm and gold has risen in earthly value as the only thing that is solid, as money is so transient. With this turn around of our values as the world monetary system is collapsing due to the abuse, greed and total lack of integrity and gold prices soaring its now the perfect timing for the full shift into spiritual values as the basics of our way of living and operating. No more illusionary; ‘money is God’, nor gold as God, but the Golden Solar Discs within us that hold the light codes of the creation story aligned with the Central Sun and Living Library of Light.
We are creating the New Earth and the Golden Solar Discs and Silver Discs of the Moon are here once again. Personally I have been working with them since 1981 and they are all around the Earth waiting for the time to fully activate. In 1997 the Solar Grid that links all the Golden Solar Discs came into being in the denser realms of creation as we were able to cope with that frequency of light by then. Now as we are being blasted by solar rays and new light codes and the old paradigm is tumbling fast, we have the opportunity to connect into our own Golden Solar Disc within, this is the most important one.
If you are guided to a Golden Solar Disc that you know the location of one, then visiting that location and being there in total allowing will obviously assist. But with all bigger picture work it’s not a matter of ‘tell me where they are so I can go there’, it’s listening to the inner calling if appropriate for you.
The most important thing is the
inner you and
you are the Golden Solar Disc
and holder of the
Living Library of Light.
The Councils of Light are meeting again at the Equinox with higher octaves of Light being able to be anchored into the physical plane through us at the time of balance on Earth and through the Golden Solar Disc you hold within you.
The clearer you are the more awareness
you will have,
so prepare for this occasion before hand
as it will be an opportunity to be
more fully from your divine self and
aware of your radiance and
co-creating love and inner peace,
joy and abundance from the stillness within…
At the time of the Equinox
when all the energies are balanced
amazing shifts can take place and
doorways from higher dimensions
within the Earth and Galaxy open.
Try and connect at
sunrise, noon, sunset and midnight.
Sept 23 is MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 4 (foundation, definition, form) RED (East – electrifies, initiates) SERPENT- CHICCHAN (life force, serpent power, intimacy, instinct)
Golden Sun Disc Meditation
Below is a meditation to connect to the
Golden Solar Disc within
through the Golden Solar Disc
on the Island of the Sun at Lake Titicaca,
it is from my LIGHT CODE ACTIVATION book
and working with your Gold Light Body.
First Connect here or in your own way.
Feel and be aware of a radiant, glowing ball of Golden Light within your Heart….a radiant, warm glowing Sun……It radiates warm, loving Golden Light from your centre… can actually feel the love, warmth and radiance of your Solar Self…..It illuminates out into your body…through your chest…neck, head…every cell is alive and radiant in the Golden Light….shoulders, arms, hands…every cell is open to its divinity…..through your body…every cell is alive and radiant….down your legs and into your feet…ever cell is alive and glowing Golden Light…….
The Golden Light from the centre of you, your solar self expands out to encompass your whole being, through your etheric body, emotional bodies, mental bodies and spiritual bodies, you are one Body, one Body of Light……This is your Solar Self….your Gold Light Body…bathe in the Golden Radiance that flows eternal from within you….the Divine Essence seeded within you……Feel the Radiant Sun at your centre as it emanates out through all your bodies………..
You connect to the Solar Grid through your Heart and divine energy systems, network of Golden Light you are….You become aware of your connectedness with the Solar Grid around the Earth….
You are one with the Solar Grid as you travel it to Lake Titicaca in the Andes…Aware of the glittering jewel of the vast azure blue lake, high up in the mountains…..An inter-dimensional doorway and anchor of the Solar Grid with its Golden Solar Disc at the Island of the Sun….You travel through the Golden Solar Grid within you, to the island and to the Golden Solar Disc there……You are drawn to the Golden Disc there in the etheric, observing it, with all its codings of creation, the Living Library of Light…..
Going to it you merge with its energy as you open to its codings of Light as they permeate your whole being…….
You are/I am the Golden Solar Disc …..the Golden Solar Disc from your heart…
connected to the hearts and Golden Solar Discs of all Humanity……
and the Golden Solar Discs around the Earth….
all linked in the divine essence of love from your heart as the light codes awaken you to remember……
The Golden Solar Disc and golden light codes illuminate you from within out…..
As you vibrate at the light code frequency of the Golden Solar Disc you connect to the Councils of Light, to yourself as Golden Divine essence from Source……..
as you move through the Central Sun……….
Stay and be in the Central Sun for a few minutes to allow your cellular memory to be open to the creation codings of your divinity, as they start to activate and integrate within your being……..Become aware that you are one with Source and the Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun………..You are creating new worlds…..have awareness of what you create….what do you want to create?……
Become aware of yourself as the Golden Being you are in the Central Sun, holder of the Golden Solar Disc….the energies intensify and illuminate through your whole Being….
As the energies awaken you the Golden presence of your true self, you are aware of other Golden Beings around you…you sit in Council….you are a member of the Council of Light at the level of the Central Sun….
Be open to any awareness that comes to you as the member of the Council of Light….allow yourself to be….and be downloaded with this higher unified aspect of you…..
Present in your body as a beam of divine love and oneness in divine will, in loving service and total allowing.
Then when you are ready have awareness of yourself fully present in your body…In your toes, feet, legs, pelvis, body, chest…. fingers, hands, arms, shoulders, neck, head…fully present in your body, your body of Light…when you are ready open your eyes.
September 23-26, 2011
The beginning of the sixth night
on September 23, 2011,
and its following few days,
means a convergence of an energy shift
in the Mayan calendar and the
passage of the comet Elenin
between the earth and the sun.
Please see article by Carl Calleman
So the waves goes for 24 hours
GMT is always the same.
YOU DO NOT NEED TO WORK OUT THE TIMES THEY ARE ALREADY PUT HERE and here is a conversion link to work out the time where you live.
The blue-green planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time to view Uranus. Due to its distance, it will only appear as a tiny blue-green dot in all but the most powerful telescopes.
Sept 25th is MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 6 (balance, receptivity, organise) BLUE (West – energise, transforms) DEER – MANIK (completion, gateway, beauty, cosmic dance)
IN LIBRA 4 degrees
SEPTEMBER 27th/28th
NZ 0.08am 28th AUST EST 9.08pm 7th GMT 11.08pm 27th SEPTEMBER
is when the Moon is closest to the Earth
1.51pm NZ first light time 28th September
10.51am EST AUST 27th
0.51am GMT 27th
Here is a conversion link to work out the times where you live.
A pedigree causes tension and possible earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions and extreme weather.
This tension can be utilized in
positive ways to be from our centre
hold the beam in the stillness and oneness
for all humanity and life.
The New Moon is always the time to go within, to the inner planes and parts of you that are hidden. It is also the seed of the new beginning and the Sun and the Moon are One. In Libra you can define and embrace in love those aspects that have been out of balance in your life as you have the unified Sun and Moon energies assisting.
Unify them and focus on
the new path you are taking,
as you do this on the Inner Planes
for yourself you are assisting all beings
in their journey of
acceptance and unification
in unconditional love also.
You are blessed with the opportunity to
create balance in your own world,
and so the outer world also.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY SEPTEMBER 27th; 8 (harmonize, empowerment, integrity, of the one heart) RED (East – electrifies, initiates) WATER- MULUC (awakening, remembrance, flow, divine guidance)
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY SEPTEMBER 28th; 9 (completion, fulfillment, expansion) WHITE (North – refines, detached) DOG – OC ( (spiritual strength, loyalty, heart, new beginnings)
Some think Elenin is going to be very destructive to Earth, I asked the Galactic Federation and they reminded me of when in 2003 so many thought Planet X was going to hit us and they showed me Earth was safe and said it's not going to happen like that this time, we did that destructive fear number in the last cycle shift, it's with Love this time.
At the central Golden Solar Disc in Mysore, India I have seen the Earth surrounded in light codes.
I thought better to ask Elenin itself
what its up to…
Elenin says:
‘There are extremists that feel
I am bringing destruction
or a big cleanse to Earth,
I am not, I am bringing a
big cleanse internally’.
All things change with consciousness,
as all is consciousness and we are
vibrating at a higher level
thanks to many light workers and
with the incoming light codes,
the shifts in Planetary, Solar System.
Galaxy, Universe and Worlds within Worlds,
all one.
We have moved into high enough octaves
not to need a big apocalyptic scenario.
There will still be earth changes
and disasters will occur,
it depends on the consciousness
as to how ferocious or mild.
Instead of worrying about possible
scenarios of destruction
focus on positive creation.
Do you choose to be somewhere as a comet hits or tsunami comes in or volcano spews on you? What do you wish to create for yourself and all humanity? You create it through your love and your clear positive thoughts and images.
‘I come to bring change
not from without but from within,
big change,
from the New Moon in Libra
(27th September, 28th in NZ)
until the New Moon in Scorpio
(26th/27th October)
and end of the Universal Underworld
(28th October),
I will be coming through you’.
On the 31st October we have Beltane in the Southern Hemisphere celebration of new light and fertility, and Hallowmas in the Northern Hemisphere and the veils disappear.
‘I work with the stars and planets
I am coming near as I enter close to the Earth.
We also respond to the energy
coming off the Earth and
we see the Light getting stronger around the Earth.
Much cleansing has and is being done
in the higher dimensional realms
to prepare the Earth for its shift
into the new cycle and New Solar System.
With Draco and Ophiuchus
now in the sky as the doorway,
and the Earth responding and
being in a whole new frequency
in a blink of the eye.
As you move through the Galactic Plane
and inside out, all is resolved.
I bring good news of the
changes that are now,
not next week or next year,
Permission is given to copy and redistribute these Cosmic Events on the trust that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author and it is freely distributed.
Copyright © 2011 Soluntra King PO Box 11 Whakatane, Bay of Plenty. 3158 New Zealand